viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008

Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me

No sé a quien me pueda recordar jajaja.
Aquí está la letra:

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Everyone else has had more sex than me.

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Does anyone else get that feeling?
Teenagers naked,
Couple in threes
Grandparents swing from the ceiling.

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Everyone else has had more sex than me.

Corporate chambers and office amore.
Shenanigans outdoor and in.
Resist and then later your find out there's more
Regret in not doing the sin.

Our lives have to die
Of that there's no help
My favourite way to end them
Is the orb-weaver spider's whose pedipalp
Enters the female pudendum.

Then dies on the spot
His corpse there still stuck,
Left for his rivals to curse at.
He would rather die than not get to f^ck
Personally I reckon it's worth it.

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Does anyone else get that feeling?

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Does everybody else get that feeling?

Este corto ganó el premio a la animación más divertida según el canal Frederator en el 2007. Aquí el galardón:

4 comentarios:

nask dijo...

No ha esta bn rifado me recuerda a...
Mejor me callo jaja

Espero ke le metas cosas mas lokas a tu blog de preferencia ke sean invenciones tuyas y a ver si ya anuncias mi blog por ke me da eva solo escribir para los espectros

PD. Mi blog no esta chafa, incluso rifa mas ke el tuyo jaja

PD2: date un vuelta por el 8 de la mañana XD

Lysquon dijo...

A ver si dejas comment en el mio, ya ke estuviste molestando ke pusiera algo.

Ahora si, no es por llevarle la contraria a todo el mundo pero el videito no me gusto, la letra es divertida pero la animacion es bastante simple.

Ghessed Blooden dijo...

hola berna
digo Visual berna XDDDDD
aqui haciendo mi primer post despues de tanto tiempo
aqui seguire posteando para que no me vuelvan a hacer la misma jalada cuidate

Max. dijo...

creo que eh escuchado esa cancion y visto ese video demaciadas veces

Dragon Soul

Take your Dragon Soul quiz!

You Scored as Red Dragon

You are a red dragon. The fire in you burns hot and bright. You're fun and seductive, and protective as well. You take excitment over calmness any day.

Red Dragon
Black Dragon
Purple Dragon
Blue Dragon
Sun Dragon
Indigo Dragon
White Dragon
Green Dragon